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On Waiting

“It’s amazing how often we miss our chances. It’s tragic how often we don’t see what’s in front of us. It’s unfortunate that we don’t get to see what might have been if we had altered our perceptions just a tiny little bit when making drastic life decisions. It’s all a big cosmic joke and yet we still sit around and idly question what led us to where we are.”

I got this from a Collin Souter, a film critic. I just finished watching ‘The Lake House’ a romantic movie about… Well, I guess you know how the story goes.

Would my life be different now if I had chosen a different course? Should I have stuck with my plan of moving out in 2005? If I had the nerve to ask you out a few more months ago, would I have watched this movie with you instead of seeing it by myself? I’ll never know and most likely I’ll never have some bizarre cosmic opportunity to find out.

“But that’s okay. I can continue to live my life and continue making choices as I see fit to make them;” still quoting from the critic, although I made some changes to suit the context, hehe… me bad, I know…

Anyway, after watching this movie, my concepts about waiting were reinforced. It must have been hard for both of them, having a time difference of two years. The guy was practically waiting for a total of four years. That’s a lot of time. But he made it through; they made it through. And it’s amazing how people take that chance and in the end see how great their leap had become. But it’s also frightening, I know, being unable to see where it will end.

It’s not always a happy ending. It’s not some kind of fairy tale we’re in that everything ends happily ever after; although here’s what I have in mind… “Who says it has to ever end?” I know love may seem like a fantasy where the pleasant feelings reside along with the unpleasant ones that are almost always overcome; but in truth love is beyond that. We create it, we let it happen. It’s there; it grows, if we just allow it, it doesn’t have to end.

I know I always keep on saying this, but waiting really holds everything together. I now realize how important patience is. Perhaps of all virtues, I may like this one better among others. We really can’t expect things to go as how we planned them. We all know that, but we can wait for it to happen. We might have doubts about it ever happening, but I always think of something to counter those doubts. I know that if ever it won’t ever happen, I’m pretty sure something better will. So in the end, there is really nothing to be afraid of. It’s just a matter of waiting.

I guess life is all about waiting. Everything we do always involves waiting; waiting for the sun to rise, waiting for the food to cook, waiting for the bus to arrive, waiting for lunch break, heck even instant noodles need 3 minutes of waiting. I’m waiting for college to be finished. I’m waiting for my next birthday. I’m waiting for a friend to return. I’m waiting for us to be together. I’m waiting for a chance to go abroad. I’m waiting for a lot of things. I know, some may not come on time, but it will, eventually. I just have to be patient. It isn’t easy; nothing really is, if you think about it.

But no matter how eternal waiting is, decisions will always have to be made. We make the choice now, but we may have to wait for the consequences, we may have to wait for the effects. As long as the choice is made, everything will eventually fall into place. We just have to be decided and pursue the choice we made. And we must never lose sight of that dream. It would just be a matter of time before it will be fulfilled. Just keep on waiting, I know I am.

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