Welcome to AlmostFinishedProjet.blogspot.com!
This is Dick's Constant Creation.
Touch. Move. Inspire.

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Moved to a new home...

This blog is due for deactivation already. I am moving slowly to my new blog:

Will be looking forward to seeing you all at my new home.


BLOG UPDATE: Boxstr.com went down

The free file hosting account where I placed my buttons for the Pagelet, my songs I recorded, and several other stuff is no longer in service. Dang! This means I'll have to be updating my blog again, but I can't remember which ones are gone. Is this God's way of saying, "Host your own blog Dick." I don't really know. In any case, I'd have to be updating this more often now. What a sad, sad, sad thing to happen. It makes me wanna cry.

Boxstr.com is becoming OpenDrive.com which is basically the same file hosting site. I wonder what happened.

Quote of the Day:
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." -- Theodore Roosevelt

FEATURING: Halloween Dance Fail

Need I say more?
(I just had to repost this. Happy Halloween everyone!)

Quote of the Day:
"The greatest things ever done on Earth have been done little by little." -- William Jennings Bryan

ANCHORING: Blogging Wreck

Kopenhagen: Royal OperaImage by gato-gato-gato via Flickr
Today, Typhoon Santi will be making its grand entrance to our lovely city. The day before, it was advised that its strength was that of a Signal No. 2 Typhoon, and all elementary and high school students had to be sent home. Unluckily for us, employed young professionals, as I had been for a few months now (Gawd, how I love how that sounds!), we were still required to come to in to the office. Although nothing tremendously freaky was daunting upon us since yesterday, “the sun was up, the skies were blue, and everything was nice, except you.” Wait, wait, wait, wait! Wrong line! Wahaha! But you get the picture. Yesterday, everything was better.

ANCHORING: Thank God, I'm Alive

CaveImage by castle79 via Flickr
From the depths of the abyss, darkness wraps me in its inescapable clutches, but here I am, borne again and resurrected. I have born the unbearable breathlessness of blog-less life. I have stretched my pseudo-elastic patience to lengths I have never thought possible to exist. I have been a prisoner of what almost seemed like eternal slumber but slave to its cruel and ironic fate of restlessness and unease. I have been dead.

But today I changed it all. I heard the soft cries of willowing whispers coursing through silent breeze in those foggy nights. Little by little, it fed me through the pain-staking hunger I had epically endured. Soon it gave me enough strength to break through the herculean force that kept me in heavy shackles through all these days. I have finally seen the light, something that was totally in-existent from where I came from, AGAIN.

ENCORE: Open Up - First Draft (Repost)

Hi guys, it is very unfortunate that until this very day, our internet connection at home is still under repair. I could only steal enough time in the office to respond to a few comments and visit a few blogs each day. It is a very sad thing that this catastrophe had to befall on us. Nonetheless as a responsible blogger that I am (or at least trying to emulate) I will try to update my blog somehow.

But then again, this is what I can offer you for the mean time. Just think you haven't heard this yet. And enjoy this as much as I enjoyed composing, recording, and singing this song.


Quote of the Day:
A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself-and especially to feel, or not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at any moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is. -- Jim Morrison

FEATURING: C. Serrano’s Piano Cover of Part of Your World

Wake me up when September EndsImage by Te55 via Flickr
I have been away from my blog for a long time, a week, more or less. And it made me feel very detached. I was active in interacting with other bloggers in the blogosphere though, and it was a very enriching experience meeting other bloggers, talking to them with ‘forum’-esque proportions in their own territorial domains, bugging and teasing each other.

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Wish List

  • Very soon: New Gimmik Clothes (really hot ones!)
  • Anytime soon: New Dual Sim Phone I got one already!
  • In a month: New Ipod I got one already!
  • In a year: Unleashed Album
  • In 2 yrs: New Car
  • In 5 yrs: New House/New Lot (or both)
  • Simple lifetime plan: SAVE (at least) 50K per month!
  • Lovelife plan: Be happy!

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