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Experience. Un-ended.

Experience has always been our faithful mentor. All will agree that in more ways than one, experience has taught us things we never would have known. However, one can also raise the objection that not everyone shares the same universal experience of experience. Experiencing to each and everyone is unique, regardless of how similar they may seem. The sum total of somebody’s experience will always be in contrast to that of another. In various levels, they will never be as one.

One endeavor may be savored my many, but each has his own method of capturing flavorful moments and keeping track of them in his own bank of boundless memories, forever stowed in a pit of infinity. But despite the numerous ways of experiencing every affair of our daily lives, one thing might be common, emotion.

Somehow, in a peculiar twist of cosmic events, one experience may be shared by many, but among the many that immerse themselves in that precise encounter, at least two would share the same sentiment. This is how uncanny life is. A proficient trickster that unceasingly toys with each and every soul on this vast land and other.

Take heed nonetheless that like the experiencing of the experience, feeling the emotion of a particular incident may also vary among individuals. What makes it different from experience is the fact that it breaks the rule of exceptionality, by the very fact that any two, or more, may share the same sentiment, pain or otherwise, for a particular experience, tragic or otherwise.

What’s really funny in all our own lives is that we all have our own tragedies. Even the very man who claims to be the happiest on earth could, and even sometimes would, share how his life has gone awry at one point or another. It is an inescapable fact that tragedies are engraved in our very nature, in our own DNA for that matter. And pain is our survival mechanism. It makes an individual aware of the potential bodily, physical and metaphysical, damage and provides motivation to get away from painful stimuli and avoid them in the future.

This, ultimately, is what our every record of experience is for. Our life is, in the end, geared towards that which makes us infinitely happy, should there exists such a thing. Nirvana. Gaudium. Eternal bliss. Whatever, add into the list those that which you think is applicable.

So I ask you now.

What ARE your tragedies in life to date?
What have you learned from THOSE experiences?
Where will THEY take you now?

My friend, just remember that a single drop of tear can only hold so much. The world is ours to conquer. Let us not let these tragedies blind us from this irrefutable truth.

Always in love and pain,


Quote of the Day:
"The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him, his own." -- Benjamin Disraeli

Credits to wonenownlee for the magnificent shot.

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  • Very soon: New Gimmik Clothes (really hot ones!)
  • Anytime soon: New Dual Sim Phone I got one already!
  • In a month: New Ipod I got one already!
  • In a year: Unleashed Album
  • In 2 yrs: New Car
  • In 5 yrs: New House/New Lot (or both)
  • Simple lifetime plan: SAVE (at least) 50K per month!
  • Lovelife plan: Be happy!

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